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Hatha yoga for beginners

What is hatha yoga?

Hatha yoga gives importance to strengthening the body

Definition & objective of Hatha Yoga.'Ha' represents 'sun' (Pingala), 'sa' represents moon (Ida), un ion of surya and candra is called as Hatha.

The 'prana' vital force, comes out with 'Ham' chanting & goes inside with chanting 'sa'. So all beings always chant the hymn Hansa. Later on this gradually transformed to Hatha by later Acaryas.

Hatha is made of 2 letters Ha means sun or pingala' & 'tha' represents moon or ldā, which represent breath flow through the nostrils. Surya represent 'Prana' and Candra denotes Apana. The means through which, these get united with the help of Pranayma  is called as Hatha Yoga.

Hatha yoga poses for beginners

Here are all the Hatha yoga poses you need to teach a 60 minute Hatha Yoga class for beginners.

This sequence is suitable for students at a community center, rather than a health club. Some people are supposed to have never attended a yoga class before and, for various reasons, may have limited range of motion and / or not exercise regularly. The goal is to gently relax and stretch students, without sweating too much, and prepare them for success so they want to return to class. I opted for the closing investment.

All the poses for this 60-minute sequence for a beginner Hatha Yoga class come from the books Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and The Yoga Bible by Christina Brown.

The descriptions that follow the poses in this list are critical to performing the poses correctly and not a detailed description of how to perform them. I recommend acquiring the previous books, which are excellent texts, or searching Yoga Journal to obtain that information.

Poses to Try at home

1. Sit on Yoga mattress

2. Neck stretch / Greeva Sanchalana - 3 to 5 times

to. If students cannot sit in a cross-legged position

- Knees up and ankles crossed, elbow crease around knee with interlaced fingers

yes. Back & Forth

C. From side to side, relaxing the ear to the shoulder.

re. Neck, left and right circles.

3. Rotation of the shoulder socket / Skandha Chakra - 3 to 5 times, FB

to. Elbows touch in front

yes. To reduce the crisp texture, hook the scapulae

4. Cat - Cow / Marjari-Asana - 3 to 5 times in table position

to. Hands below shoulders and knees below hips

yes. Rotate the inner arms out

C. Start in a neutral position looking at the floor

re. Cat: the drishti point is above

me. Cow: chin to chest

F. Hold the pose and breathe for 3 seconds

5. Sit in the child's pose / Balasana - 4 to 6 breaths

to. Get up to sit and lift your chin at the end to avoid dizziness.

6. Climb to the top of the mat for 3 rounds of Surya Namaskar

to. The easiest version

7. Shavasana - 1 to 2 minutes

8. Climb to the top of the mat to lean forward, standing

to. Surround yourself on your feet with your knees slightly bent and lift your chin at the end to avoid dizziness.

9. LR Side Stretch

10. Step back with your right foot into Triangle Pose / Trikonasana LR

to. Drishti's point is the raised hand or the floor

yes. Easier: bend the front leg, optionally place the arm on the thigh

11. Reverse Triangle Prep LR

12. Palm Tree Pose / Tadasana - 3 times

to. When your heels are on the floor, put your hands on your head

yes. When your heels are off the ground, put your hands up in the air

C. Drishti point: look forward or upward

13. Tree Pose / Vrikshasana LR - 4 to 6 breaths

to. Hands in pranamasana or on the head

14. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position for the Mudrasana LR Psychic Union / Yoga posture - 4 breaths

15. Butterfly pose / Badhakonasana - 4 to 6 breaths

to. First, flap your butterfly wings

yes. Then relax and bring your forehead to the floor

16. One-legged forward lean / Janu Sirshasana LR - 4 to 6 breaths

17. Seated Forward Bend / Paschimottanasana - 4 to 6 breaths

to. Relax your back

18. LR table pose

to. Raise the opposite arm and leg

19. Easy Cobra Pose / Saral Bhujangasana - 2 times

to. Front on the floor

yes. Hands over the head, fingertips aligned with the crown.

C. Legs together and relaxed

20. Half-Locust / Ardha Shalabasana - 3 times, 3 seconds, LR

21. Return to the child's posture / Balasana

22. Seated Spinal Torsion / Ardha Metsyendrasana LR

to. Soft option

- Revolved Easy Pose / Parivrtta Sukhasana, legs crossed

- Part 1 of the Spinal Twist Prostration Pose / Bhu Namanasana

23. One Leg Raises / Padotthanasana - 5 LR

to. Inhale - raise / exhale - lower

yes. Hold your breath and hold for 3-5 seconds.

24. Knee to Chest Position / Supta Pawanmuktasana - 3 times, LR

to. Exhale, bring nose to knee

25. Abdominal stretching posture for sleeping / Supta Udarakarshanasana - 3 times, LR

to. Wait 3 seconds

27. fold back

28. Shavasana

Yoga purifies your soul by regular practise of yoga in everyday life it can help you to cure your depression,anxiety,insomnia,etc.Different kinds of yoga acts different parts of our body and also yoga helps to boost our immune system and its scientifically proven
     Lets celebrate INTERNATIONAL YOGA  DAY Which is coming on  21st if June 2020.
                                HAPPY INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY


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